A Trip to the Doctor is Overdue...

I had my annual physical last March, before leaving for Hong Kong. There was blood work done, x-rays, a load of other tests, the works. My scoliosis did not show any signs of further development. My lungs were not any weaker. There was nothing alarming, so I was given a clean bill of health. I have not seen the doctor since.

My dad, on the other hand, has a myriad of other health conditions. He's diabetic, has hypertension and fatty liver, had kidney stones blasted and an enlarged heart. He visits a number of specialists for each of these problems. One doctor he failed to visit for about a year, though, is his endocrinologist. So my dad decided to go see a new endocrinologist, of whom he heard so much nice things about.

Hearing the doctor tell us about genetics, current weight and how being born a heavy baby increases the risk of becoming diabetic scared me so much. She then emphasized the importance of a healthy diet and proper exercise. Fruits which are a no-no for my dad are chico, melon, lychees, starapple and longgan.

I did pick up some diet restrictions and instructions that I feel we would all benefit from, diabetes or no.

  • Lessen the intake of fried and oily food
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables
  • Consume less refined sugars
  • Have more good carbs
  • Engage in proper exercise appropriate for your age, weight and condition/s
  • Be as happy and stress-free as possible

Lastly, always consult your doctore before any changes in your diet or activity. Visit him (or her!) on a regular basis to monitor your health.

T.G.I. Friday's Chicken Fingers for only P99!

Another "sale alert" for the foodies!

Only one order per person
Not valid for take out
No need for coupons

Part-time Blues

Due to my current status as an unemployed individual, I've been doing my best to find sources of income, whether permanent or not. This week, I was given an opportunity to exchange my hours for some cash. It was going rather well until a rather unfortunate incident occurred, of which I was the hapless object.

Another issue that I found quite appalling was that I was not suited for work. Although I make appear tough and spirited, I do tend to break easily. Not only that, my physical capacities are not entirely tuned to labor. For one thing, my face, which had cleared up rather nicely thanks to my Clinique 3-Step regimen, broke out into unsightly blemishes once more. Now that really upset me.

Chicken All-You-Can at Max's

This is the glutton's version of a sale alert! 

Terms and Conditions:

  • Chicken will be served in quarter pieces
  • Chicken parts will be served based on availability
  • Add P39 to avail of bottomless Pepsi softdrinks
  • Promo is from June 17 to July 17, 2010 & from 6PM to 10PM only
  • Promo valid for dine-in only. Not valid for take-out, delivery, bulk orders and functions
  • Cannot be combined with other promos and discounts
  • No sharing, no left-overs
  • Chicken will be served after each piece has been consumed

Drink that Aloe Plant!

A few of us might have this unobtrusive pot somewhere in our homes. It may be on a windowsill, outside our doors, or perhaps inside the living room. That green housemate might be an aloe vera plant. Aloe vera are very easy to take care of. A little water every once in a while and a nice sunny spot are essentially all it needs to thrive in your home. In my own experience, aloe vera are even easier to grow than cacti. Aside from being an undemanding houseplant, aloe vera has many other uses.

Aloe vera plant. Mine isn't as pretty though :(

Because of its cooling and soothing features, many of us who have experienced the painful effects of being under the sun too long have treated sunburned skin with aloe gel. Another form of aloe available on the market is aloe vera juice. It's made with the gel found inside the aloe leaves. The aloe's leaves are harvested, split open, and the gel is scooped out. The rind is discarded. Aloe vera juice has many benefits, and contains vitamins and minerals like vitamin C.

I personally have aloe juice as a nice, cool summer drink. When chilled, it is very refreshing. The little aloe gel bits are yummy and fun to bite into. They are juicy, and explode when bitten, to my delight. Aside from quenching my thirst, drinking aloe juice helps soothe my digestive system.

Aloe vera helps control and balance stomach acids. It aids in the stabilization of the digestive processes and keeps the stomach cool. It helps flush out toxins and other harmful substances that we may ingest. Aloe encourages tissue regeneration in the stomach and in the rest of the body. Some also say that aloe vera is known to protect and fight against cancer.

Alo is the brand of juice I currently drink. The flavors I like are the original and Allure, which has mangosteen and mango juices blended in. Yummy!

Note that aloe is considered an herbal remedy, and not medicine. Always use caution when trying out new things, and that includes drinking aloe vera juice. I personally drink aloe, and have had no bad experienced with it. For me, it is a yummy drink and the health benefits are an added bonus. If you do decide to try it out, I hope it will work for you too!

Spa from your Kitchen: Tea (Part 2)

If you live in a hot, hot place like in Manila, you'd know how it feels to want to wash your face every hour or so. But it would strip your face of all the moisture and good stuff, leaving you with a dry parched mask, so it's definitely a no-no. Thus, companies such as Evian have given us products that will help ease the hardship.

But this facial spray, at about $10 a bottle, is too expensive for water. For me at least. An alternative I came up with is green tea.

Simply brew some green tea, let it cool, and pour it into a spray bottle. Store it in the refrigerator when not in use, to provide a cooler mist.
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